Unleashing the Power of the Holy Spirit • Sermon Series

We need God’s power at work in our lives to help us, and His power is inseparable from the presence of His Holy Spirit. God invites us to welcome the Holy Spirit into our lives without reservation or precondition. Saying to the Holy Spirit, You are welcome in my life, will unleash the power of Almighty God within us. Included in this series are the following sermons: 

Releasing the Power of the Holy Spirit, Desert Places, Clothed with Power, Life in the Spirit, and Welcome

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We need God’s power at work in our lives to help us, and His power is inseparable from the presence of His Holy Spirit. God invites us to welcome the Holy Spirit into our lives without reservation or precondition. Saying to the Holy Spirit, You are welcome in my life, will unleash the power of Almighty God within us. Included in this series are the following sermons: 

Releasing the Power of the Holy Spirit, Desert Places, Clothed with Power, Life in the Spirit, and Welcome