Prepared for His Coming

Our story on earth centers around the person of Jesus Christ. What you believe about Him and the degree to which you serve Him is a very strong influence for your life. Many people within the faith focus on the ancillary differences of religion, but the root of why we are here is found within Jesus of Nazareth. Pastor Allen Jackson asks us the daring question - Who do you say Jesus of Nazareth is in your life? To what degree of boldness do you acknowledge that He is Lord of your life? Your answer to who Jesus is determines both your time under the sun and your time in eternity.  Invite Jesus to be Lord of your life – all that you are, all that you have and all you will ever be.

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Our story on earth centers around the person of Jesus Christ. What you believe about Him and the degree to which you serve Him is a very strong influence for your life. Many people within the faith focus on the ancillary differences of religion, but the root of why we are here is found within Jesus of Nazareth. Pastor Allen Jackson asks us the daring question - Who do you say Jesus of Nazareth is in your life? To what degree of boldness do you acknowledge that He is Lord of your life? Your answer to who Jesus is determines both your time under the sun and your time in eternity.  Invite Jesus to be Lord of your life – all that you are, all that you have and all you will ever be.

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